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K98 KAR98K 98K Karabiner 5 Shell Ejecting Gas Powered Full Wood & Metal by Double Bell

K98 KAR98K 98K Karabiner 5 Shell Ejecting Gas Powered Full Wood & Metal by Double Bell
289,00 €


This KAR98K rifle replica is made of wood and metal.
The barrel, slide, sights and sling swivels are made of metal.
Lower hand guard is made of wood. 
The manufacturer tried to reproduce the principle of shooting from the firearm counterpart as best as possible. §
The replica shoots 6mm BBs which are placed in special shells. 
Shells each with 1bb are loaded into the chamber identically as in the real firearm - either manually in turn or using the so-called
"boats", which are placed just above the chamber, and then all five "rounds" are inserted in one move. 
KAR98K is a replica of a bolt-action rifle, also here the system has been preserved. 
After every shot you must reload the rifle by making 4 moves with the lever. 
After firing a shot and loading the next round - an empty shell pops out in the same way as during real shooting.
This rifle was an element of the equipment of units fighting on many fronts of World War II, that's why it is currently used by
many reenactors of that period.

Perfetta replica a gas del K98 KAR98K full wood & metal con funzione sparo ed espulsione dei 5 bossoli in dotazione.
Ovviamente predisposta per uso con propria ottica dedicata
visibile ed acquistabile a parte con codice:
Eventuale kit 5 bossoli aggiuntivo DBoys, visibile ed acquistabile a parte con codice: 
Eventuale kit 5 bossoli aggiuntivo G&G, visibile ed acquistabile 
a parte con codice: G08136-JO/47851-Z

Lunghezza: 1115mm.
Peso: 3050gr.
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